Your Satisfaction is our Priority

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today


School level management includes professional personnel who are responsible for school management / administration. It includes principals, assistant principals, headmasters, assistant headmasters, and other managementstaff with similar responsibilities

Education syetem & policy

School Explained is a Social Enterprise, set up by teachers, with the aim of providing parents with the clear, expert help that they need to be able to support their children at home, and continue the learning started in class.  Using the same language and same techniques.  Who better to explain school than the teachers teaching your children every day?

Members can access a wealth of pre-written expert advice and resources (all checked by teachers and used in schools). Parents can subscribe individually, or many schools offer parental access through a whole-school package (tell us here if you'd like us to contact your school about our subsidised whole-school memberships).

For Parents

  • Save time and be more effective at supporting your children
  • Know you are doing the right things - we show you exactly how to help using the same techniques and language teachers use
  • Quick, easy and convenient access to online support whenever you need it
  • Save money - no need to pay for private tutors, study guides or other educational resources
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